We love events, and the UK events industry is a powerhouse of talent, creativity and resourcefulness. We’ve always been proud to be a part of this community and never more so than during the tough times ravaging our industry due to COVID.
This year has seen businesses tested to (and sadly, in some cases, beyond) their limits. Despite the many challenges, the way in which our industry has pulled together has been inspiring. The lobbying by our trade associations and industry press on behalf of the events industry has never been more crucial and valuable and to this end, we’re delighted to have joined both the AEV and MIA as new members to add our voice, influence and support.
We’re looking forward to working alongside their memberships to champion our remarkable industry, collaborate with our peers and encourage the next generation of event profs through these difficult times and along the road to recovery.
The work these bodies do as advocates for everyone in the industry, from venues to suppliers, agencies to freelance specialists, cannot be overstated and we are delighted to collaborate with and support them.